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For Members

MedZed provides medical care and social supports to Medicaid and Medicare members, both in-home and remotely.​

We partner with health plans to serve as an extra layer of free support to members with complex needs. ​

We coordinate with your current providers and fill in the gaps of care to meet your specific needs.

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Our Services

We can help you with all the medical care and social services that you need.​  We develop a customized care plan of medical care and social and other supports.​ ​Our team then comes to you regularly to monitor your health, provide direct care, and connect you to services. ​ ​



  • In home primary care​

  • Medication reviews & refills​

  • Appointments with specialists​

  • Referrals for mental health care​

  • 24/7 nurse helpline


  • Assistance with social supports & benefits:​

  • In-home services​

  • Food ​

  • Transportation ​

  • Housing​

One-on-One Support​

  • Individualized Plan & Guidance​

  • Coaching and Education​​

Our Approach

We know how difficult it can be to get all the care and support you need.​

We assign a Community Health Navigator (CHN) to work one-one-one with you. They come to you in-person at your home or a location that is good for you. ​ They help you understand and take the right steps to improve your health: ​

  • identifying and applying for resources​

  • making and getting to appointments ​

  • supporting you every step of the way​

Your CHN works as part of a care team that includes a nurse and primary care provider. Your nurse also comes to you to deliver clinical care in person, while linked to the primary care provider by telehealth. In between in person visits, your team stays in close touch by phone.

Our Staff

All of our team members are dedicated MedZed employees. Our field staff are local. They live and work in your community and are in touch with local issues, needs, and resources. And they take the time to get to you know you and what will work for you.

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Hear from Our Members

EM Patient Testimonial
RJ Patient Testimonial
SS Patient Testimonial FINAL
J Patient Testimonial
ETPatient Testimonial
Elle Testimonial
RC Testimonial
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We currently operate in the following states: California, Washington, New York, New Jersey, Maryland, Virginia, Georgia, Florida​. 

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